Saturday, December 7, 2013

Desktop computer , telephone, television will become the "new three display" ?

With the rapidly growing popularity of smart phones, tablet PCs and other mobile terminals , some people home landline phone , desktop computers, the frequency of use of traditional television is being reduced tablet rugged. Someone joked: these three things are gradually reduced many families ' new furnishings . "
4, three major carriers together for a license , 4G era . Large-scale commercial 4G , will again accelerate the popularization of mobile terminals , and even insiders predicted , tablet PCs, smart phones and more will seize huge market share in home appliances .
Desktop PC
Utilization decreased sales decline
Notebooks, tablet PCs become mainstream
Last week, Chen went Zhujiang game fans with a computer . He told reporters tucao , now to the store with a compatible computer IT products , has little choice . "I play the game , the machine ! is relatively high, do not buy an ordinary brand ." Chen said , Buynow most counters exclusively sells laptops , desktops are not of a kind , and you say to go with a home computer they just help you to transfer cargo .
Gil did in 10 years of Zhujiang compatible business. He told reporters that although he was leaving the store with a counter, but few individual business. "From 2006 , the beginning of 2007 , sales of home desktop computers began to decline , and now the people -oriented family retail business has been very little , only do business-oriented , cafes, schools wholesale business , but this year the school's procurement volume also fell , Nanjing, some schools have begun to purchase tablet PCs and notebooks up . "
Hongtusanbao , at present , the store in the desktop and notebook ( including tablet ) sales ratio is about 1:3. In a desktop computer , one machine selling better than traditional desktops . From a national sales situation , desktops sold! well in some counties than in urban areas .

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ultra-low power mobile APU from AMD expected next year

Zhongguancun Online News: Recently, there were indications that a code of Mullins 's low power AMD APU will be officially released in 2014 rugged windows tablet pc. Which is based on 2-4 PUMA GCN architecture core and GPU core , the average power dissipation of only 2W. 
rugged windows tablet pc
For example, a terminal full use Skpye consumes 2W, same App in the existing desktop product line ( Tablet PC ) power consumption of 30W, the end product line notebook 10W power consumption , visible in this APU power consumption is very low indeed .
AMD next year will push Mullins mobile APU ( images from AMD)
AMD next year will push Mullins mobile APU ( images from AMD)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Motorola will be with customized tablet

Motorola will be with customized tablet

 It seems Motorola Mobility to product customization strategy in the end it 11.6 inches windows tablet. High degree of freedom in the launch of flagship customized services after the latest flagship phone Moto X , Motorola Mobility is also possible to customize the services targeting the next tablet . Motorola Mobility CEO Dennis Woodside recently revealed that the company is developing a new tablet . Media analysts believe that Woodside and other executives repeatedly talked about Motorola's mobile customization is the future trend , so the tablet is likely to have a variety of configuration options.
11.6 inches windows tablet
From the hardware configuration to see , Moto X configuration level 4.7 -inch 720p AMOLED screen , clocked at 1.7GHz Qualcomm MSM8960 Pro dual-core processor , built-in 2GB of RAM and 16GB and 32GB of storage space available , 2200mAh capacity battery, 1000 megapixel main camera and a 2.0 megapixel secondary camera .
Obviously , Moto X so that the hardware configuration in the cost not more than Samsung, Apple, HTC and other competitors in the same grade product is superior. But Motorola mobile that can provide a lot of personalized appearance, color and wood material win unusual phone users . For example, select carriers AT & T user, you can back in the 18 kinds of colors, two kinds of positive color and seven kinds of accent color , select the color combinations on the Moto X mobile phone customization.
In addition, the "Made in America " is also another selling point of the product . Motorola Mobile promises that! users can receive their own customized within 4 days of Moto X, therefore , set up production plants in the United States would help reduce Motorola Mobility in product logistics expenses.
According to Reuters , Moto X weekly shipments reached 100,000 . Woodside said in an interview , the production Moto X mobile phone factory production to be " several ten million " , but also according to market demand to further expand production capacity. It seems , Motorola Mobile for Moto X is full of confidence.

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ZTE V98 showcase Windows 8 Tablet PC Model HCCLDMZ123

Despite the resurgence of WP 8 phones in the distant future , but the company's Windows 8 tablet already can not wait to show up , and in the opening of the San Francisco today, Intel's Clover Trail Conference, ZTE Corporation has finally brought its Windows 8 tablet V98 true machine list of company makers of tablets.
list of company makers of tablets
ZTE V98 uses a white iPhone 5 with the same aluminum body thickness of only 8.9mm, weighing 700 grams or less, 10.1- inch 1366 x 768 LCD screen , powered by Intel Z2760 processor , providing a 7000mAh battery.
The tablet will be built 2GB of RAM and 32GB of storage space, with 802.11 b / g / n WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth 4.0 NFC capabilities to support LTE 4G network . The aircraft will be equipped with 8 million of rear camera and front camera 2 million to support 1080P HD video recording.
In addition, the sources said ZTE will also release WP 7.8 and WP 8 two system versions of the product , it is unclear the specific details.
( This article Source: drive home MyDrivers)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Производители на Android/Windows таблет компютри в Китай

Kilwa Tablet PC, със седалище Шензхен, Китай изобретява таблет компютри както за клиентите на електронната търговия така и за индистриалния мобилен компютърен пазар от 2009. За това време, ние бяхме едни от най-големите производители на Мобилни устройства за интернет (МУИ) от както нашата компания е основана през 2006.

Чрез съдружество с местни дистрибутори, ние сме снабдили клиенти/предприятия/правителства с милиони МУИ/шисти/таблет компютри от целия свят.

Kilwa предлага най-добрите таблет компютри с най-последната технология. От едноядрени до четириядрени CPU, от TFT дисплей до IPS дисплей, и към ретина дисплей, от Wi-fi към връзка 2g, 3G CDMA и 4G LTE клетъчна връзка, Kilwa е винаги сред водещите производители на таблети които са с последната технология, за да предложат по-добро изживяване на потребителя и по-добри възможности за приложенията.

Ние създадохме тесни връзки с различни доставчици на части и аксесоари, включително SoC suppliers Allwinner, Rock-Chip and MTK, доставчика на екрани за дисплеи Tianma Microelectronics, доставчика на тъч-скрийн lcetron и доставчика на батерии BPI.

Ние не сме само напреднали в хардуерните специфицкации, ние също така сме се снабдили и с последните версии на операционии системи, включително Андроид 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) и Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) от Google и Microsoft. Освен тези две основни операционни системи, ние също така инвесираме и в създаването на Ubuntu операционна система и за проучване на Firefox операционна система. В добавка, ние съвсем скоро ще пуснем на пазара Android на X86 таблет с най-доброто CPU на Bay Trail архитектура от Intel.

С голямо разбиране на дизайна и производството на таблети, Kilwa осигурява сервиз ODM/OEM, включително индустриален дизайн, шаблон, PCBA дизайн, управление на веригата за доставки, производство и сервиз след покупка.

Работейки заедно с професионални доставчици на мобилни приложение, ние можем да осигурим авангардни и добри индустриални решения. Нашите таблети на частния-етикет са използвани широко навсякъде в пазара на вертикалната индустрия, включително грижа за здравето, образование, охрана и  логистика. Нашия екип по инженерството се ангажира още от ранната фаза на анализ на изискванията и снабдява с най-подходящото хардуерно решение пригодено за специфична индустрия. Голямо удоволствие е да се подобрява ефективността на клиетнтите с нашия богат опит в производството на солидни таблети.

За да осигурим най-високо ниво на обслужване, ние си сътрудничим с местни доставчици от България, Балканите, Америка, Великобритания, Тайван, Хонк Конг, Корея, Сингапур, Европа и Южна Америка. За предприятията, които се интересуват да станат наши риселъри, моля свържете се с нашия екип по продажби.

Android/Windows tablet PC výrobci v Èínì

Sídlící v Shenzhenu v Èínì, Kilwa Tablet PC Manufacturing vyrábí tabletové poèítaèe jak pro trh konzumní elektroniky, tak pro mobilní prùmysl od roku 2009. Do tohoto dne, jsme jedním z nejvìtších výrobcù Mobile Internet Devices (MID), již od našeho založení v roce 2006. 
Skrze naši spolupráci s distributory, jsme poskytli miliony MID/tabletových poèítaèù zákazníkùm/spoleènostem/vládám z celého svìta.
Kilwa nabízí nejlepší tabletové PC s nejnovìjší technologii. Od jedno jádrových procesorù až po ètyø jádrové, od displejù TFT po displeje IPS, poté retina displeje, od pøipojení pouze pøes Wi-Fi po mobilní pøipojení 2g, 3G CDMA a 4G LTE. Kilwa patøí mezi nejlepší výrobce, kteøí používají nejnovìjší technologii tak, aby uživateli poskytli lepší požitek z používání a vìtší škálu aplikací.
Uzavøeli jsme pevnou dohodu s rùznými dodavateli komponent a vybavení, vèetnì SoC   dodavatelù Allwinner, Rock-Chip a MTK, dodavatelé obrazovek Tianma Microelectronics, dodavatele dotykových obrazovek Icetron a poskytovatele baterii BPI.
Nejsme pokroèilý pouze, co se hardwaru týèe, ale jsme také prùkopníci v osvojení si nejnovìjších verzí operaèních systémù, vèetnì Androidu 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) a Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) od Googlu, respektive Microsoftu. Mimo tìchto bìžných OS také investujeme do vývoje OS Ubuntu a do výzkumu OS Firefoxu. Navíc brzy vydáme Android na X86 tabletu s nejpokroèilejším CPU na architektuøe Bay Trail od Intelu.
S hlubokým porozumìním designu a výroby tabletových PC, Kilwa poskytuje ODM/OEM služby, vèetnì prùmyslového designu, ražení, design PCBA, supply chain management, výrobu a službu po prodání. 
Díky spolupráci s profesionálními prodejci mobilních aplikací, mùžeme poskytnout nejmodernìjší prùmyslová øešení. Naše private-label tablety jsou široce používány v rùzných vertikálních prùmyslových trzích, vèetnì zdravotnictví, vzdìlávání, veøejné bezpeènosti a logistice. Náš tým inženýrù se angažuje již od rané fáze analýzou požadavkù a poskytuje nejvhodnìjší hardwarové øešení ušité na míru jakémukoliv prùmyslu. Je nám velkým potìšením pomoci klientovi s efektivní výrobou, díky naší velké zkušenosti ve výrobì tabletù.
Pro poskytnutí vysoké úrovnì služeb, spolupracujeme s místními distributory z Èeska, Slovenska, USA, VB, Taiwanu, Honk Kongu, Koreji, Malajsie, Singapuru, Jižní   Afriky, Austrálie, Evropy a Jižní Ameriky. Obchodníci, kteøí mají zájem stát se naším distributorem, prosím kontaktujte náš prodejní tým. 

Fabricant de tablete Android/Windows din China

Cu sediul in Shenzhen, China, Kilwa Tablet PC Manufacturing a fabricat tablete atat pentru piata electronicelor de consum cat si pentru industria mobila incepand din anul 2009. Inainte de 2009, am fost unul dintre cei mai mari fabricanti de instrumente mobile pentru internet(MID) inca de la infiintare in 2006.
Prin cooperare cu distribuitorii locali, noi am furnizat milioane de MID/tablete atat clientilor cat si firmelor/guvernelor din toata lumea.
Kilwa ofera cele mai bune tablete PC avand cea mai noua tehnologie. De la un singur nucleu la 4 nuclee, display TFT pana la display IPS, apoi retina display, de la conectivitate doar Wi-Fi pana la 2g, 3G CDMA si 4G LTE. Kilwa este mereu printre primii fabricanti de tablete care adopta cele mai noi tehnologii pentru a oferi o experienta si mai buna utilizatorului si cat mai multe aplicatii posibil.
Noi am legat parteneriate apropiate cu multi furnizori de componente si accesori, inclusiv SoC Allwinner, Rock-Chip si MTK, furnizori de display-uri Tianma Microelectronics, furnizori touch-screen-uri Icetron si furnizori de baterii BPI.
Inafara de specificatiile hardware, noi suntem printre cei mai buni si cand vine vorba de ultimele sisteme de operare, inclusiv Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) si Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) de la Google si Microsoft. Inafara de aceste 2 sisteme de operare foarte cunoscute, noi investim si in dezvoltarea sistemelor de operare Ubuntu si facem cercetari pentru sistemele de operare Firefox. In plus, noi vom lansa in curand un Android pe o tableta X86 cu cel mai avansat CPU pe arhitectura Bay Trail de la Intel.
Cu o adanca intelegere a design-ului si fabricarii tabletelor PC, Kilwa ofera service ODM/OEM inclusiv design industrial, matrita, design PCBA, managementul lantului de aprovizionare, fabricare si servicii de vanzare.
Colaborand cu vanzatori de aplicatii mobile profesionale, noi suntem capabili sa oferim solutii de ultima ora. Tabletele noastre sunt folosite in diverse piete, inclusiv sanatate, educatie, securitate publica si logistica. Echipa noastra de ingineri se implica inca de la inceput facand o analiza de necesitati si ofera cele mai bune solutii hardware special concepute pentru orice industrie. Ne face o mare placere sa ne folosim de experienta noastra indelungata in fabricarea tabletelor, ca sa ajutam la imbunatatirea eficientei de productie a clientilor nostri.
Pentru a oferi cel mai inalt nivel de calitate, noi colaboram cu distribuitori locali din Romania, Moldova, Serbia, USA, UK, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Europa si Sudul Americii. Firmele interesate sa devina reselleri, va rugam contactati divizia noastra de vanzari.