Saturday, July 27, 2013

Производители на Android/Windows таблет компютри в Китай

Kilwa Tablet PC, със седалище Шензхен, Китай изобретява таблет компютри както за клиентите на електронната търговия така и за индистриалния мобилен компютърен пазар от 2009. За това време, ние бяхме едни от най-големите производители на Мобилни устройства за интернет (МУИ) от както нашата компания е основана през 2006.

Чрез съдружество с местни дистрибутори, ние сме снабдили клиенти/предприятия/правителства с милиони МУИ/шисти/таблет компютри от целия свят.

Kilwa предлага най-добрите таблет компютри с най-последната технология. От едноядрени до четириядрени CPU, от TFT дисплей до IPS дисплей, и към ретина дисплей, от Wi-fi към връзка 2g, 3G CDMA и 4G LTE клетъчна връзка, Kilwa е винаги сред водещите производители на таблети които са с последната технология, за да предложат по-добро изживяване на потребителя и по-добри възможности за приложенията.

Ние създадохме тесни връзки с различни доставчици на части и аксесоари, включително SoC suppliers Allwinner, Rock-Chip and MTK, доставчика на екрани за дисплеи Tianma Microelectronics, доставчика на тъч-скрийн lcetron и доставчика на батерии BPI.

Ние не сме само напреднали в хардуерните специфицкации, ние също така сме се снабдили и с последните версии на операционии системи, включително Андроид 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) и Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) от Google и Microsoft. Освен тези две основни операционни системи, ние също така инвесираме и в създаването на Ubuntu операционна система и за проучване на Firefox операционна система. В добавка, ние съвсем скоро ще пуснем на пазара Android на X86 таблет с най-доброто CPU на Bay Trail архитектура от Intel.

С голямо разбиране на дизайна и производството на таблети, Kilwa осигурява сервиз ODM/OEM, включително индустриален дизайн, шаблон, PCBA дизайн, управление на веригата за доставки, производство и сервиз след покупка.

Работейки заедно с професионални доставчици на мобилни приложение, ние можем да осигурим авангардни и добри индустриални решения. Нашите таблети на частния-етикет са използвани широко навсякъде в пазара на вертикалната индустрия, включително грижа за здравето, образование, охрана и  логистика. Нашия екип по инженерството се ангажира още от ранната фаза на анализ на изискванията и снабдява с най-подходящото хардуерно решение пригодено за специфична индустрия. Голямо удоволствие е да се подобрява ефективността на клиетнтите с нашия богат опит в производството на солидни таблети.

За да осигурим най-високо ниво на обслужване, ние си сътрудничим с местни доставчици от България, Балканите, Америка, Великобритания, Тайван, Хонк Конг, Корея, Сингапур, Европа и Южна Америка. За предприятията, които се интересуват да станат наши риселъри, моля свържете се с нашия екип по продажби.

Android/Windows tablet PC výrobci v Èínì

Sídlící v Shenzhenu v Èínì, Kilwa Tablet PC Manufacturing vyrábí tabletové poèítaèe jak pro trh konzumní elektroniky, tak pro mobilní prùmysl od roku 2009. Do tohoto dne, jsme jedním z nejvìtších výrobcù Mobile Internet Devices (MID), již od našeho založení v roce 2006. 
Skrze naši spolupráci s distributory, jsme poskytli miliony MID/tabletových poèítaèù zákazníkùm/spoleènostem/vládám z celého svìta.
Kilwa nabízí nejlepší tabletové PC s nejnovìjší technologii. Od jedno jádrových procesorù až po ètyø jádrové, od displejù TFT po displeje IPS, poté retina displeje, od pøipojení pouze pøes Wi-Fi po mobilní pøipojení 2g, 3G CDMA a 4G LTE. Kilwa patøí mezi nejlepší výrobce, kteøí používají nejnovìjší technologii tak, aby uživateli poskytli lepší požitek z používání a vìtší škálu aplikací.
Uzavøeli jsme pevnou dohodu s rùznými dodavateli komponent a vybavení, vèetnì SoC   dodavatelù Allwinner, Rock-Chip a MTK, dodavatelé obrazovek Tianma Microelectronics, dodavatele dotykových obrazovek Icetron a poskytovatele baterii BPI.
Nejsme pokroèilý pouze, co se hardwaru týèe, ale jsme také prùkopníci v osvojení si nejnovìjších verzí operaèních systémù, vèetnì Androidu 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) a Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) od Googlu, respektive Microsoftu. Mimo tìchto bìžných OS také investujeme do vývoje OS Ubuntu a do výzkumu OS Firefoxu. Navíc brzy vydáme Android na X86 tabletu s nejpokroèilejším CPU na architektuøe Bay Trail od Intelu.
S hlubokým porozumìním designu a výroby tabletových PC, Kilwa poskytuje ODM/OEM služby, vèetnì prùmyslového designu, ražení, design PCBA, supply chain management, výrobu a službu po prodání. 
Díky spolupráci s profesionálními prodejci mobilních aplikací, mùžeme poskytnout nejmodernìjší prùmyslová øešení. Naše private-label tablety jsou široce používány v rùzných vertikálních prùmyslových trzích, vèetnì zdravotnictví, vzdìlávání, veøejné bezpeènosti a logistice. Náš tým inženýrù se angažuje již od rané fáze analýzou požadavkù a poskytuje nejvhodnìjší hardwarové øešení ušité na míru jakémukoliv prùmyslu. Je nám velkým potìšením pomoci klientovi s efektivní výrobou, díky naší velké zkušenosti ve výrobì tabletù.
Pro poskytnutí vysoké úrovnì služeb, spolupracujeme s místními distributory z Èeska, Slovenska, USA, VB, Taiwanu, Honk Kongu, Koreji, Malajsie, Singapuru, Jižní   Afriky, Austrálie, Evropy a Jižní Ameriky. Obchodníci, kteøí mají zájem stát se naším distributorem, prosím kontaktujte náš prodejní tým. 

Fabricant de tablete Android/Windows din China

Cu sediul in Shenzhen, China, Kilwa Tablet PC Manufacturing a fabricat tablete atat pentru piata electronicelor de consum cat si pentru industria mobila incepand din anul 2009. Inainte de 2009, am fost unul dintre cei mai mari fabricanti de instrumente mobile pentru internet(MID) inca de la infiintare in 2006.
Prin cooperare cu distribuitorii locali, noi am furnizat milioane de MID/tablete atat clientilor cat si firmelor/guvernelor din toata lumea.
Kilwa ofera cele mai bune tablete PC avand cea mai noua tehnologie. De la un singur nucleu la 4 nuclee, display TFT pana la display IPS, apoi retina display, de la conectivitate doar Wi-Fi pana la 2g, 3G CDMA si 4G LTE. Kilwa este mereu printre primii fabricanti de tablete care adopta cele mai noi tehnologii pentru a oferi o experienta si mai buna utilizatorului si cat mai multe aplicatii posibil.
Noi am legat parteneriate apropiate cu multi furnizori de componente si accesori, inclusiv SoC Allwinner, Rock-Chip si MTK, furnizori de display-uri Tianma Microelectronics, furnizori touch-screen-uri Icetron si furnizori de baterii BPI.
Inafara de specificatiile hardware, noi suntem printre cei mai buni si cand vine vorba de ultimele sisteme de operare, inclusiv Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) si Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) de la Google si Microsoft. Inafara de aceste 2 sisteme de operare foarte cunoscute, noi investim si in dezvoltarea sistemelor de operare Ubuntu si facem cercetari pentru sistemele de operare Firefox. In plus, noi vom lansa in curand un Android pe o tableta X86 cu cel mai avansat CPU pe arhitectura Bay Trail de la Intel.
Cu o adanca intelegere a design-ului si fabricarii tabletelor PC, Kilwa ofera service ODM/OEM inclusiv design industrial, matrita, design PCBA, managementul lantului de aprovizionare, fabricare si servicii de vanzare.
Colaborand cu vanzatori de aplicatii mobile profesionale, noi suntem capabili sa oferim solutii de ultima ora. Tabletele noastre sunt folosite in diverse piete, inclusiv sanatate, educatie, securitate publica si logistica. Echipa noastra de ingineri se implica inca de la inceput facand o analiza de necesitati si ofera cele mai bune solutii hardware special concepute pentru orice industrie. Ne face o mare placere sa ne folosim de experienta noastra indelungata in fabricarea tabletelor, ca sa ajutam la imbunatatirea eficientei de productie a clientilor nostri.
Pentru a oferi cel mai inalt nivel de calitate, noi colaboram cu distribuitori locali din Romania, Moldova, Serbia, USA, UK, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Europa si Sudul Americii. Firmele interesate sa devina reselleri, va rugam contactati divizia noastra de vanzari.

Android/Windows Tablet PC Hersteller in China

Android/Windows Tablet PC Hersteller in China Kilwa ist ein Tablet PC Hersteller, der in Shenzhen, China ansässig ist und bereits seit 2009 Tablet-Computer für den Endverbraucher-Elektronikmarkt und die mobile Computerbranche herstellt. Davor waren wir seit unserer Gründung 2006 einer der Haupthersteller von Mobilen Internetgeräten (MIDs / Mobile Internet Devices). In Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Verteilern haben wir Millionen von MID, Tisch- und Tablet-Computer an Kunden, Unternehmen und Regierungen in der ganzen Welt geliefert. Kilwa bietet die besten Tablet PCs mit der neuesten Technik. Von Einzelkern-CPUs bis zu Vierkern-CPUs, von TFT-Bildschirmen bis zu IPS- und Retina-Bildschirmen, von reiner WiFi-Verbundfähigkeit bis zu 2G, 3G CDMA und 4G LTE Mobilfunknetz-Verbundfähigkeit, ist Kilwa immer unter den führenden Tablet-Herstellern, die die neuesten Technologien einbeziehen um Nutzern ein besseres Erlebnis und mehr Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bieten zu können. Wir haben enge Partnerschaften mit verschiedenen Teil- und Zubehörlieferanten aufgebaut, inklusive den SoC-Lieferanten Allwinner, Rock-Chip und MTK, dem Bildschirmlieferanten Tianma Microelectronics, Touchscreen-Lieferant Icetron und dem Batterielieferanten BPI. Wir sind nicht nur bei den Hardware-Spezifikationen fortschrittlich sondern auch Pioniere bei der Übernahme neuester Versionen von Betriebssystemen, inklusive Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) von Google und Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) von Microsoft. Neben diesen zwei weit verbreiteten Betriebssystemen investieren wir auch in die Entwicklung des Ubuntu BS und in die Forschung für das Firefox BS. Zusätzlich veröffentlichen wir bald ein x86 Tablet mit Android und der fortgeschrittensten CPU mit Bay Trail Architektur von Intel. Mit unserem tiefgehenden Verständnis des Tablet PC Designs und deren Herstellung können wir ODM/OEM-Dienste, inklusive Industriedesigns, Formungen, PCBA-Designs, Lieferkettenverwaltungen, Herstellung und After-Sale-Dienste anbieten. Unsere Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Händlern für mobile Anwendungen ermöglich uns brandneue Branchenlösung anzubieten. Tablets unserer eigenen Marke sind in verschiedenen vertikalen Industriemärkten, inklusive der Gesundheitsversorgung, Bildung, öffentlicher Sicherheit und Logistik, weit verbreitet. Unser Engineering-Team ist von Anfang an, an den Anforderungsanalysen beteiligt und bietet die beste Hardwarelösung für jede Branche. Es ist uns ein großes Vergnügen die Produktionseffizienz eines Kunden mit unserer umfangreichen Expertise der robusten Tablet-Herstellung verbessern zu können. Um den besten Service bieten zu können, arbeiten wir mit lokalen Verteilern in Deutschland, der Türkei, Indien, USA, UK, Taiwan, Hongkong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapur, Südafrika, Australien, Europa und Südamerika zusammen. Unternehmen, die daran interessiert sind, unsere Produkte zu verkaufen, kontaktieren bitte unser Verkaufsteam.

Çin'deki Android / Windows Tablet PC Üreticileri

Shenzhen, Çin merkezli, Kilwa Tablet PC İmalatı 2009 yılından bu yana tüketici elektroniği pazarı ve mobil bilgisayar sektörü  pazarı için tablet bilgisayarlar yapıyor. Bundan önce, 2006 yılında Kuruluşumuzdan bu yana Mobil İnternet Cihazlarının (MID) en önemli üreticilerinden biri idi.

Yerel distribütörler ile yaptıkları işbirlikleri sayesinde, dünyanın her yerindeki müşterilerine / işletmelere / hükümetlere /MID milyonlarca tablet bilgisayarlar tedarik etti.

Kilwa en son teknoloji ile dontatılmıs en iyi tablet PC'leri sizlere sunuyor. TFT ekrandan IPS ekrana , dört çekirdekli işlemci , tek çekirdekli işlemci, retina ekran, Wi-Fi bağlantısı , 2g , 3G ,CDMA ve 4G LTE hücresel bağlantı, Kilwa önde gelen tablet üreticileri arasında her zaman daha iyi bir kullanıcı deneyimi ve daha geniş uygulama olanakları sunmayi amaçlar.

SoC tedarikçileri ; Allwinner, Rock-Chip ve MTK, display screen tedarikçileri ; Tianma Mikroelektronik, dokunmatik ekran tedarikçileri ; lcetron ve pil(batarya) tedarikçisi ; BPI'da dahil olmak üzere çeşitli parça ve aksesuar tedarikçileri ile yakın ortaklıklar kurduk.

Donanım özelliklerileriyle öncü olmakla kalmayıp , Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) ve Google ve Microsoft Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) dahil olmak üzere işletim sistemlerinin, en son sürümlerinin onaylanmasındada birer öncü olduk. Bu iki ana işletim sisteminin yanı sıra, Ubuntu işletim sisteminin gelişiminde ve Firefox OS için yapılan araştırmalara yatırım yapıyoruz. Buna ek olarak, yakında  intel'in en gelişmiş Bay Trail mimarili, android işletim sistemli X86 tabletini piyasaya süreceğiz.

Tablet PC tasarımını ve üretimini derin bir şekilde anlayan, Kilwa ODM / OEM hizmeti vermektedir. endüstriyel tasarım, kalıp, PCBA tasarım, tedarik zinciri yönetimi, üretim ve satış sonrası hizmeti de dahil.
Profesyonel mobil uygulama satıcıları ile birlikte çalışarak, üstün endüstri çözümleri sağlayabiliyoruz. Bizim özel etiketli tabletlerimiz ; sağlık, eğitim, kamu güvenliği ve lojistik gibi çeşitli dikey endüstri piyasalarında, yaygın olarak   kullanılmaktadır. Mühendislerimiz ihtiyaç analizini erken aşamada yürütmektedir ve her türlü sektöre özel ve en uygun donanım çözümü sağlar. Tablet üretiminde geniş bir deneyime sahip olmak ve müşterinin üretim verimliliğini artırmaya yardımcı olmak bizim icin büyük bir mutluluk.

En üst düzeyde hizmet sağlamak için, Türkiye, ABD, İngiltere, Tayvan, Hong Kong, Kore, Malezya, Singapur, Güney Afrika, Avustralya, Avrupa ve Güney Amerika'dan yerel distribütörlerle işbirliği yapmaktayiz. Bizim  ürünlerimizi satmak isteyen işletmeler lütfen hemen satış ekibimizle temasa geçiniz.

Tablet PC Manufacturer from China

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<span style="color: #333333; font-family: 'Segoe UI', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px;"><a href="" style="cursor: pointer;">Tablet PC Manufacturer from   China</a></span></span></div>
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Based   in Shenzhen, China, Kilwa Tablet PC Manufacturing has been making tablet   computers both for the consumer electronics market and the industry mobile   computing market since 2009. Prior to this time, we were one of the major   manufacturers of Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) since our establishment in   2006.</div>
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Through   cooperation with local distributors, we have provided millions of   MID/slate/tablet computers to customers/enterprises/governments from all over   the world.</div>
<div style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; color: #333333; font: 11px/16px 'Segoe UI', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; letter-spacing: normal; margin: 10px 0px; orphans: 2; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 0px; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">
Kilwa   offers the best tablet PC with the latest technology. From&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">single core   CPU</a>&nbsp;to&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">quad core CPU</a>, from TFT   display to IPS, then to Retina display, from<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">&nbsp;Wi-Fi   only</a>&nbsp;connectivity to&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">2g</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">3G&nbsp;</a>CDMA and 4G LTE cellular   connectivity, Kilwa is always among the leading tablet manufacturers who adopt   the latest technology to offer a better user experience and broader application   possibilities. We have established close partnerships with various component and   accessory suppliers, including SoC suppliers&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">Allwinner</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">Rock-Chip</a>&nbsp;and<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">MTK</a>, display screen   supplier&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">Tianma Microelectronics</a>, touch   screen supplier&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">lcetron&nbsp;</a>and battery   supplier&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">BPI</a>.</div>
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Not   only advanced in hardware specifications, we are also a pioneer in adopting the   latest versions of operating systems, including Android 4.2.2(Jelly Bean) and   Windows 8.1(Windows Blue) from Google and Microsoft respectively. Besides those   two mainstream OS, we are also investing in the development of Ubuntu OS and in   research for the Firefox OS. &nbsp;In addition, we will soon release an Android   on X86 tablet with the most advanced Bay Trail architecture from Intel.</div>
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With   a deep understanding of tablet PC design and manufacturing, Kilwa provides   ODM/OEM service, including industrial design, mold, PCBA design, supply chain   management, manufacturing and after sale service.&nbsp;</div>
<div style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; color: #333333; font: 11px/16px 'Segoe UI', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; letter-spacing: normal; margin: 10px 0px; orphans: 2; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 0px; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">
Working   together with professional mobile application vendors, we are able to provide   cutting-edge industry solutions. &nbsp;Our private-label tablets are used widely   in various vertical industry markets, including&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">healthcare</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">education</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">public   security</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">restaurant&nbsp;</a>and<a href="" style="-webkit-transition-delay: initial; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; color: #2491ca; cursor: pointer; outline-style: none; text-decoration: none;">logistics</a>.   Our engineering team engages from the early phase of requirement analysis and   provides the most suitable hardware solution tailored to any specific industry.   &nbsp;It is a great pleasure to help improve a client's production efficiency   with our extensive experience in rugged tablet manufacturing.</div>
<div style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; color: #333333; font: 11px/16px 'Segoe UI', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; letter-spacing: normal; margin: 10px 0px 5px; orphans: 2; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 0px; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px;">
To   provide the highest level of service, we cooperate with local distributors from   India, USA, UK, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, South African,   Australia, Europe and South America. For enterprises interested in becoming our   resellers, please contact our distributors team.&nbsp;</div>

Android/Windows Tablet PC Proizvođač iz Kine

Sa sedištem u Šenženu u Kini, Kilwa Tablet PC Proizvođač bavi se proizvodnjom tablet računara za potrošače na tržištu elektronike, kao i za industrijsko tržište mobilnih računara od 2009. Pre toga, bili smo jedan on najvećih proizvođača Mobilnih Internet Uređaja (MID) od našeg osnivanja 2006.

Kroz saradnju sa lokalnim distributerima, obezbedili smo milione MID/Slate/Tablet računara za potrošače/preduzeća/ministarstva širom sveta. 

Kilwa nudi najbolje Tablet PC računare sa najnovijom tehnologijom. Od jednojezgranih CPU do četvorojezgranih CPU, od TFT displeja do IPS displeja, zatim od Retina displeja, od samo bežične konekcije do 2g, 3g, CDMA I 4g LTE mobilne konekcije, Kilwa je uvek među vodećim proizvođačima Tablet računara koja je usvojila najsavremeniju tehnologiju kako bi ponudila bolje korisničko iskustvo i širu primenu mogućnosti.

Uspostavili smo bliske partnerske odnose sa različitim dobavljačima komponenata i pribora, uključujući SoC dobavljače Allwinner, Rock-Chip i MTK, dobavljače displej ekrana Tianma, Microelectronics, dobavljače ekrana na dodir Icetron i dobavljače baterija BPI.

Osim napredne hardverske specifikacije, takođe smo i pioniri u usvajanju najnovijih verzija operativnih Sistema, uključujući Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) i Windows 8.2 (Windows Blue) od Googla i Microsofta respektivno. Pored ova dva najveća Operativna Sistema, takođe ulažemo u razvoj Ubuntu OS i  u istraživanje Firefox OS. Osim toga uskoro ćemo objaviti tablet x86 sa Android OS koji će imati najnapredniju CPU Bay Trail arhitekturu Intel procesora.

Sa dubokim razumevanjem u dizajn i proizvodnju Tablet računara, Kilwa pruža ODM/OEM usluge, uključujući industijski dizajn, kalup, PCBA dizajn, upravljanjem lancem snadbevanja, proizvodnje i usluge nakon prodaje.

Radeći zajedno sa profeisonalnim prodavcima mobilnih aplikacija, u stanju smo da obezbedimo najsavremenija rešenja. Naši privatno obeleženi Tableti imaju široku primenu na različitim industijskim tržištima, uključujući zdravstvo, obrazovanje, državnu bezbednost i logistiku. Naš tim inžinjera se od rane faze bavi analiziranjem zahteva i pruža hardversku soluciju koja je najbolje skrojena svakoj specifičnoj industriji. Veliko je zadovoljstvo pomagati poboljšanju efikasnosti proizvodnje klijenata sa našim velikim iskustvom u proizvodnji robusnih tablet računara.

Kako bi pružili najviši nivo usluga, sarađujemo sa lokalnim distributerima iz Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, USA, UK, Tajvana, Hong Konga, Koreje, Evrope i Južne Amerike. Za preduzeća koja su zainteresovana da postanu naši prodavci molimo Vas da kontaktirate naš prodajni tim.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Android Enter Rugged Tablet Computer Market to Compete Windows and X86

It is because of three OS vendors employ different strategies, which means they differ in enterprise applications prospects. "Now the industry, the tablet market is still in its infancy, although many companies have now developed on the iPAD applications, but these applications are mainly used to display charts, almost no practical use in industrial applications." "Intel Corporation executives said, "Therefore, in the Tablet PC industry application market, Windows, Android and other platforms have a very good chance.
"In the field of industrial applications, custom developed a device very common." Intel executives said, "In the medical industry, for example, is likely to customer equipment size, weight, radiation, etc. There are special requirements, and may also need to provide special terminal equipment and medical equipment for docking slot, which in tightly controlled Apple iPAD various hardware parameters, to complete this development is almost unthinkable in other words, Apple's success in the consumer market, can not be directly Copy to industry market when the Chinese come. "In contrast, Android platform is very open, hardware vendors can be based on customer's specific needs customized development, this flexibility is the Apple devices can not match. Similarly, the Microsoft platform also has a certain openness in the industry marketplace easier to obtain than the iOS market.
In the industry, the market, the more open the more flexible, OEM can play a greater space and more likely to succeed - in the year 2002, the then authorized a Palm PDA giants including HandSpring, Handera, Sony, etc. in Many within the OEM manufacturers from OEM manufacturers developed many industrial applications dedicated hardware in the industry, the market was a great success. In contrast, when Microsoft's PocketPC although also gained significant market share, but in industrial applications is still a gap with the Palm.
In the industry of the Tablet PC OS market competition has just begun, then the chips do? Same. Despite Intel's previous market share in the embedded field as ARM processors, but Intel and Lenovo joint show at CES Atom processor-based, using the Android operating system K800 to give us some surprises - standby time of up to 14 days continuous recording time of up to 6 hours. In solving the power problem, which gives Intel cut rugged tablet PC, smart phone market offers the best opportunities. "The advantage of Intel and Microsoft, and now the PC side has a lot of applications, developers are already familiar with Wintel development environment." Such a software giant's executives said, "For developers, can be achieved in the PC end once developed, and the application can be deployed on all terminal devices. "Not only that, Intel is committed to the PC and mobile phones can interact, because Intel's mobile chip uses the same x86 architecture, and its communication with the PC than the ARM architecture advantages.
However, Microsoft and Intel want to come out on top in the industry application market, also need their own hard work. It is reported that Intel has begun planning the market force in the industry, for the industry, including: education, industry, the financial industry, medical industry and so on. "We are interested in the nature of industry application workload analysis, optimization, and then POC (proof of concept), then is the development of products and production. Currently, the first step we have underway." Intel executives said so.
Intel has already begun to exert a, ARM it?

Features of Rugged Tablet Computers for industrial environment

Product Features:
· PPC-1200 is a 12.1 "LCD Fanless Industrial Tablet PC
* Machine Configuration 12.1 "high brightness LCD display, integrating the latest low-power motherboard, 500G hard drive speed
 Two network interfaces, four USB ports, four serial ports, VGA port, audio interface, PS / 2 keyboard / mouse port, a CF card can be extended
· LCD display brightness, contrast can be adjusted, and has a standby power-saving mode
· Advanced structural design, system installation flexibility. Installation Compatible panel type, wall-mounted, VESA standard support arm, etc.
* Machine fanless design, low power consumption, good performance, product compact and rugged, vibration, shock, good performance, reliable operation
• This 12.1-inch tablet PC is widely used in electric power industry, manufacturing, finance, traffic monitoring, etc. for each of the communication, control terminal
Product Specifications
Processor: Onboard INTEL ATOM D525, 1.83GHZ
Chipset: INTEL NM10 + ICH8M low-power chipset
Display: 12.1 "high brightness industrial panel
Resolution: 800 × 600 @ 75Hz
Memory: Support for DDR3 1333 series up to 4GB
HDD: SATA 2.5 "320GB HDD
Audio interface: SPK-Out, MIC-In
Network Interface: 2 Realtek 8102E 10/100, 1000Base-T Ethernet Controller
SSD: optional CF card
I / O Interface: 3 serial ports, one parallel port, PS / 2 keyboard and mouse, AUDIO, VGA, 4 * USB Interface
Touch screen: five-wire resistive type, with a touch pen
Power: 6 ~ 32V DC ATX 120W switching power supply input, bringing electric trigger switch on •
Cooling: Fanless, natural cooling housing
Installation: Embedded, the standard VESA wall, Countertop
Panel: high-strength aluminum panels using hard anodic oxidation treatment process drawing, black gold steel color
Color: silvery white box (can OEM)
Weight: 6.8Kg
Dimensions: 350mm (w) * 276mm (H) * 65mm (D)
Wide operating temperature: -10 ℃ ~ 50 ℃
Storage temperature: -20 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
Vibration: Frequency :5-17Hz, Amplitude: 1mm
Frequency: 17 ~ 200Hz, Acceleration: 1g
Shock: wave: half sine, width: 10mS, Acceleration: 10g
Electromagnetic Compatibility: Complies with radio disturbance limits GB9254-1998 standard Class B

Ordering Information
PPC-1200 1.83GHz/2G/2.5 "500G/12V 6A POWER / tempered glass
PPC-1200T 1.6GHz/2G/2.5 "500G/12V 6A POWER / 5 wire touch screen

Our Company's rugged tablet PC also includes relevant information, please contact us!